TOEFL Primary Test
2015-06-12 至 2017-01-31
A special congratulations to the following students who received the top score of 5, or 4 Ribbons in the TOEFL Primary Test: 4C CHEUNG TSZ CHING 4C LEUNG PAK WAI 4C LO CHEUK MAN 4A TSUI KING HIN 4C CHAN YIN YEUNG 4C LEE CHEUK LING 4D LEUNG WING YAN 3B SHIU YIU This test proves our students’ abilities are in relation to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a widely accepted international standard. A good result in the TOEFL Primary Test shows that our students will be able to communicate effectively with first language English speakers. Well done to you all!
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