
Morning Assembly: The Fairytales Game Show

This year, our students learned about various fairytales. To test their knowledge, our NETs organized an interesting game show, and the questions were based on fairytales. It was a fantastic activity for students to showcase their speaking skills and competitiveness. It motivates them to always do their best. Can you answer the questions as well? Let's enjoy the game show.



Morning Assembly: Houses built from straw, sticks, and bricks

Students enjoyed learning about a popular and timeless fairytale called The Three Little Pigs. Students also learnt useful phrases and shared the fairytale with others. Students were able to remember the famous lines from the book. Our high-ability students showed great enthusiasm for role-playing the story. Let's enjoy their performance.



Morning Assembly: Reading is Fun!

Every month, we invite students to talk about an English book they have read. We record them and share their stories with the whole school.When students see their peers talking about books, they feel empowered to read more English story book!


6B Lau Wing Tung 

(George's Marvellous Medicine)


6D Cheng Hei Tung

(Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator)


6D Siu Wing Yan

(Diary of Wimpy Kid)

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